Computer Lab has been established in 1994. This lab was originally donated by Rangpur area head quarter of Bangladesh army. The computer lab is considered a major part of the institution. It is the place where students learn the principles of the use of the computer and work-related activities in the field of computers. It is used to teach the Information Technology curriculum for all classes in the school as well as to support other subjects. Computer labs also support students in their projects for different subjects, through designing programmers, preparing presentations, research reports, and activities. Computer labs also support teachers to run workshops. It also hosts the Computer Club activities.
ICT labs Includes:
1.The institution includes two (2) modern computer labs equipped and supported with a local area network and Internet service.
2. They are also equipped with a display data show and interactive device to support the teaching/learning process.
3. School lab is designed to accommodate fifty six (56) computers.
4. College lab is designed to accommodate seventy (70) computers.

We have rich Physics Lab. This lab gives students an in-depth experience in experimental physics so that they can understand how laboratory measurements test concepts in physics. Support facilities make it possible to extend and modify the individual experiments. From theoretical references students are expected to design their experiments, assemble and perhaps partially construct the apparatus, and report on the results in the form of a technical paper.

Chemistry is the branch of science which deals with the study of matter, its physical and chemical properties, its chemical composition, the physical and chemical changes which it undergoes and the energy changes that accompany these properties. Chemistry is the science that asks questions about materials, the differences between them, how they react with one another and how heat or other forms of energy affect them.
A chemistry laboratory is a place where necessary equipment, chemicals and adequate facilities are provided to test certain concepts, theoretical knowledge obtained in the classroom and also from books.

During the study of life science, students have to spend a great deal of time in the laboratory. The work in the laboratory can be very effective, interesting and fruitful, if certain basic techniques and rules are observed. Biology Lab is important for deserting different organs and life forms. Which if followed faithfully, will help the students throughout their biology course.

Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Design is a foundation course that serves as an introduction to the drafting and design field and is a prerequisite to all other courses in the Engineering Drawing and Design program’s . Emphasis is placed on safety, geometric construction, fundamentals of Computer-Aided Drafting, and multi-view drawings. Students learn drafting techniques through the study of geometric construction at which time they are introduced to computer-aided drafting and design. The standards are aligned with the drafting and design standards in this college, thus help students qualify for advanced placement should they continue their education at the post secondary level.